Watch Where You’re Going

Some authors swoop into the world of publishing and feel at home right away. Others with the same amount of talent and skill are like the robin in the photo trying to figure out how to get food out of a hummingbird feeder. No, little one, your beak doesn’t fit. No, there is no special […]

“Impossible” Battles Fought and Won

In Spring 2023, Armin Lear is launching three books that will transport you into stories of personal battles that seem hopeless—but take you to the heights of triumph: Janet Levine’s historical novel, LIV’S SECRETS, as well as two memoirs about children beating enormous odds and surviving—DADDY’S GIRL, by Michael Schnabel, and THE MATCH AND THE […]

On Our Toes in Frankfurt

Armin Lear’s beautiful corner booth at the Frankfurt Book Fair (October 18-22, 2023) had plenty of action, with the weekend highlight being a contest to win the full set of Tim Rayborn’s urban fantasy books, Qwyrk Tales. But wait: Along with the celebration, we had a constant reminder that our friends in Israel needed to […]

Controversy for a Cause

We look for intellectual honesty at Armin Lear, and sometimes we see it in a controversial book. Neutering the CIA: Why US Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences by John A. Gentry, PhD. is such a book. We chose to release it on July 26 because in 2019, the U.S. Senate designated July 26 “United […]

To Boldly Go…Where We Want to Go

These are the voyages of Armin Lear Press. Its every-year mission: to explore provocative new works, to seek out new authors and new perspectives, to boldly go where no publisher has gone before. Well, not exactly “no publisher,” but more like “most publishers.” Our growing band of authors is becoming more diverse all the time, […]

It’s Fun Being an Ant

As our team at Armin Lear grows, I have become increasingly aware of what it means to be on a team. I am a noble ant building a bridge with other noble ants. The challenge for a leader in the ant colony is to be clear in delivering guidance without ever being Bossypants. (“What’s the […]

Good People in the (not-so-empty) Space

Frankfurt Book Fair offered opportunities like never before. Really? With halls and halls and halls that used to have about 300,000 people roaming them and now there were…okay, we’re talking tens of thousands and not hundreds because of COVID. Armin Lear Press showed up, masked up, got our shots and tests, and put our books […]

Heiliger Bimbam!

Armin Lear Press is going to the Frankfurter Buchmesse. We will be connecting with publishers outside the US to discuss foreign rights/translation deals, audiobooks in many languages, expanded distribution of our books in many countries—and we’ll be having fun with colleagues around the world. In preparation, we are listening to children’s books in German (auf […]

Celebrate New Versions of NHP Bestsellers

This summer, we are proud to release new versions of four of the titles Armin Lear acquired from New Horizon Press. They are Widows Wear Stilettos by Carole Brody Fleet; Your Sexually Addicted Spouse by Barbara Steffens, PhD, LPCC and Marsha Means, MA; Narcissistic Lovers by Cynthia Zahn; and Not Everyone is Nice by Frederick […]

Do Something To Thank Your Mentors

Dr. Joan Dunphy believed in me. She put the resources of New Horizon Press on the line and published my first book at the dawn of 1995. Joan pushed me hard. She scared me. She lifted me up as a writer. Dr. Joan Dunphy became one of my best friends and most trusted colleagues in […]