New Release

Where Stories Are Made

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Armin Lear Press is home to the best publishing talent on the planet. We offer award-winning publishing, international distribution and profit-sharing publishing.

Featured Novel: Killing Gilda, by Yahya Gharagozlou.

A beautiful nineteen-year-old named Gilda becomes the mistress of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran. She dreams of becoming his wife. The narrator, in love with Gilda, follows clues about her death two years after the affair.

Armin Lear Press

Dedicated Excellence in Publishing

Armin Lear Press is the premier global publisher of the creative arts. We work with the world's most influential authors to produce innovative books in fiction, non-fiction, history, business, personal development, science & more.
Armin Lear Press

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Armin Lear Press is a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association and strong supporter of The Authors Guild.


Armin Lear Press aims to be your partner, helping you step-by-step from raw manuscript to publishing success with world-class publishing.


If you want to reach the full extent of your potential audience, your book needs to be available across multiple online platforms.


Our experienced editors proofread and edit your manuscript, carefully reviewing its structure, tone, and textual flow to ensure a polished outcome.


Get established as an expert in your field, build your personal brand, and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

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Breaking News

Armin Lear returns to the Frankfurt Book Fair—and our familiar, corner stand at 6.0 A21—in October 2024. Frankfurt Buchmesse is the world’s largest trade fair for books, and Armin Lear has had a stand there since the first year we jumped into publishing. We present our books to publishers in other countries to interest them in foreign rights/translations, launch new books with celebrations and media outreach, and connect with colleagues around the world to keep up with trends and opportunities.
Featured Book

The Power of Risk

humAIn demystifies AI, providing you with skills to navigate the misinformation and confusion surrounding this revolutionary technology. It’s not about wild speculations or doomsday scenarios—just straightforward insights to help you understand AI’s true potential. Now is your chance to rise above the noise and anxiety. Join the AI revolution—or as we call it, the Aivolution—and become the next humAIn.


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Author of the Month

Kevin Ball

In Heart of a Stuntman, Hollywood veteran Kevin Ball recounts his remarkable journey from film and TV sets to real-life drama in Cambodia, Vietnam, Kenya, Kosovo, Peru, Thailand, Guatemala, Dubai, and India.

Armin Lear Press

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