Book Promotions

About Us

Book Promotions, Marketing & Publicity

Founded by a successful author, Armin Lear focuses on partnership with authors. Our editorial and design standards are high, and we strive to give personal attention to each author and agent we partner with.

Genres of interest span the entire range of non-fiction.

We have a special interest in books containing practical advice on improving the quality of life. This includes books about business, career development, current events, health, literacy, lifestyle, and more.

Biographies, history, memoirs–important, true narratives–also populate our list.

Additionally, we have also ventured into the arena of controversial discussions about the quality of democracy in the United States and in the countries of our allies and will be issuing more titles with provocative content in the coming weeks and months.

We are excited to have launched fiction as well, and find ourselves drawn to intrigue, in both contemporary thrillers and fantasy. Regardless of genre, though, novels with characters who are alive on the page and plots that wake us up invariably attract our attention.

Another area of interest is human sexuality. We are publishing titles with substantial value in intimate relationships.

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