Do Something To Thank Your Mentors

Dr. Joan Dunphy believed in me. She put the resources of New Horizon Press on the line and published my first book at the dawn of 1995. Joan pushed me hard. She scared me. She lifted me up as a writer. Dr. Joan Dunphy became one of my best friends and most trusted colleagues in publishing as I moved into agenting and grew as an author and as an agent. When she passed away in October 2015, my heart broke and I asked myself, “Now who am I going to kvetch with when the industry’s a mess?” As I told her husband, when the pandemic hit, if Joan were still alive, we’d have been on the phone every week trying to figure out how to protect our authors and our books—and to do more. And then along came Armin Lear Press and we are honored to keep Joan’s work alive by taking on ten of NHP’s best titles. We are trying to do more.


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