“Impossible” Battles Fought and Won

In Spring 2023, Armin Lear is launching three books that will transport you into stories of personal battles that seem hopeless—but take you to the heights of triumph: Janet Levine’s historical novel, LIV’S SECRETS, as well as two memoirs about children beating enormous odds and surviving—DADDY’S GIRL, by Michael Schnabel, and THE MATCH AND THE SPARK, by Casey Bradley Gent. LIV’S SECRETS draws the reader into intimate contact with characters whose love, lust, and anger draw us into their world. It is a dramatic story of a South African Jewish family’s battle against apartheid—a fight that feels deeply personal. In DADDY’S GIRL, a young mother learns she has an 8 percent chance of living just after giving birth. Kirkus Reviews called it “A remarkable, hope-filled account of triumphing over a serious illness.” THE MATCH AND THE SPARK is a rollercoaster ride for a teenaged boy with medical science, bad breaks, and good fortune creating the hills, valleys, and loops. And the happy ending has a nugget of surprise.

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