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Body Talk Animated

James O. Pyle and Maryann Karinch  Parents, teachers, school psychologists, and—most importantly—big kids reviewed Body Talk Animated and love it. Why? It’s a FUN way to learn body language: Face                 Upper body                  Navel down And after you get good with the FUN stuff, you explore the world of animated films—and learn body language from cars […]

Countering Antisemitism & Hate

A How-To Guide for Youth (8-18), Family & Educators Authors Lynne Azarchi, author of The Empathy Advantage and Dr. Harlene Lichter Galen, offer this thought at the opening of the book: “Let’s heed the need to prepare our children to stop the cycles of hate, tropes, and stereotypes. “As staunch believers in Tikkun Olam, Jews […]

Hank Rattler and the Secret of the Cave of Kings

Twelve-year-old Hank Rattler lives alone in his empty house in the countryside. Mrs. Plunkett lives next door and cares for him in the absence of his parents. Hank and his classmates, Ruby Basher and Sam Benedetto, win their Grade 8 Science Fair, and the prize is summer camp in the Rocky Mountains. Meeting up at […]


Publication date was November 24, 2021. This is the second book in the four-book Qwyrk Tales series. All Qwyrk wanted was a few days of rest in the small town of Nettles in Yorkshire, but of course all goes wrong immediately. One of the shadow people, tasked with looking after the vulnerable of humanity, has […]


Neil Giarratana Anulka Lorenzini is Head of Wealth Management at Bankhaus Finsler, a private bank in Zurich. Lorenzini’s clients represent, in part, a world of hidden, ill-gotten money. Her secret contempt for this dark side of the banking business is stronger than her attempts to remain outwardly who she actually is: a respected banker. She […]

Hunger Hijack

Hunger Hijack by David Sherer, MD Dr. David Sherer provides compelling evidence for a paradigm shift on how we understand the complex interplay between hypothalamic inflammation and the hormones of hunger and fullness. — Ronald Kotler MD FACP FCCP FAASM Prof of Clinical Medicine, U of PA Preventable diseases are skyrocketing. Even our brains are […]


Why Your Lifelong Fears Are Probably Groundless Wojciech Janicki, Editor Our social environment operates based on imaginary orders to organize us – a set of beliefs that don’t stem from the world of science but from a collective, often informal, social contract. These beliefs and convictions define what is proper and reasonable and what is […]

Smash Hit

Race, Crime, and Culture in Boxing Films David Curcio Cinema emerged alongside the rules that ushered in boxing’s modern age and the “squared circle” proved the ideal stage for cinematic display. The public had its first taste of the new medium in 1894 through a heavyweight bout, recognized today as the world’s first feature film. […]

The Eight Sources of Power

A Tale of Leading with Purpose by David C. Bauman The book is a historically-based story that follows Tao and his four classmates as they join the Siam Leadership Academy in Ayutthaya, the capital of Siam (modern day Thailand). In 1687, Ayutthaya is more populous than London and full of foreign and local intrigue. The […]

The Most Dangerous Business Book You’ll Ever Read

From the Foreword by Phillip C. “Dr. Phil” McGraw, PhD “The Most Dangerous Business Book You’ll Ever Read. Now that is a provocative title and I’ll bet it made you ask yourself a lot of questions. Dangerous for whom? In what way? Will the results be dangerous? All valid questions that I can respond to […]