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Liv’s Secrets

Publication Date was April 17, 2023. Liv’s Secrets is a passionately envisaged saga of one fictional South African Jewish family, the Weiszs, immigrants from Eastern Europe. One among a great wave of Jewish immigrants in the latter part of the 19th century, washing up mainly in America, but a wavelet of Lithuanian Jews on South […]

Not Everyone Is Nice

Publication date was September 7, 2021 with availability in paperback and hardcover–at prices parents can afford! This bestseller was first released by New Horizon Press in 2003, and the latest full-size edition has all new illustrations by C.S. Fritz. Kathy is waiting for her mother outside of school when a strange car approaches. The smiling […]

Duke Ellington

Publication date was January 26, 2022–the day the Ellington-Horton Black, Brown and Beige premiered at Steinmetz Hall. Karen Barbera and Randall Keith Horton were strangers who met on a train. A cordial conversation led to an eight-year collaboration to tell new and enlightening stories about Duke Ellington and to bring his forgotten masterpieces back to […]

The 21st Century Sales Bible

Publication is part of a launch event at Frankfurt Book Fair in October 2022. The author, known as Doctor Persuasion, is economist, attorney, and popular presenter Yaniv Zaid. He gives clear, unequivocal and universally applicable guidance on “mastering the ten commandments of marketing, negotiation, and persuasion.” His commandments address specific guidance related to: Pricing Branding […]

The Empathy Advantage

The publication date of the paperback version of this popular book published in hardcover and eBook by Rowman & Littlefield was February 22, 2022. We live in a time when empathy is not only lacking but on the decline. Kids are bullied because of their weight, color of their skin, religion, identity, and more. Bullying […]

Daddy’s Girl: A Father, His Daughter, and the Deadly Battle She Won

Publication is scheduled for early March 2023. In DADDY’S GIRL, Michael Schnabel shares an intimate view of a family’s love, relationships, and parenting during a crisis. Growing out of raw and eloquent expression of daily events in his journals, the author’s memoir draws readers into the phases of pain and confusion related to his daughter’s […]

Game Plan for Getting Published

Publication date was July 23, 2020. In GAME PLAN FOR GETTING PUBLISHED, literary agent Maryann Karinch tells non-fiction authors how to present a book project to an agent and work with a commercial publisher. Karinch, who founded The Rudy Agency in 2004, describes a query letter and proposal in detail and provides samples of each. […]

Power Barometer

Publication date is November 9, 2023. In Power Barometer: How to Manage Personal Energy for Business Success, Josefine Campbell gives steps to increase awareness and navigate between different states of mind—agile, mellow, narrow, fragile—to improve personal and team mental agility. Armin Lear Press launched the book at its booth at the Frankfurt Book Fair, October […]

The New Secularism in the Muslim World

This book is the product of a collaboration between the American Foreign Policy Council and Armin Lear Press. Across the Muslim world, religion and politics have come increasingly to be mixed in the past century, with devastating consequences. But there are signs that the ascendancy of political Islam my be coming to an end. In […]

Trial, Error, and Success

Publication date was April 8, 2021. Everything in nature evolves by trial and error. Uncertainty is inherent in trials and knowing how to deal with it proactively creates advantages for you every day. This book gives you ways to combine knowledge with efficient thinking and emotional intelligence to make the most of uncertainty—particularly in your […]