Body Talk Animated
Body Talk Animated James O. Pyle and Maryann Karinch Parents, teachers, school psychologists, and—most importantly—big kids reviewed Body Talk Animated and love it. Why? It’s a FUN way to learn body language: Face Upper body Navel down And after you get good with the FUN stuff, you explore the world of animated films—and learn […]
Game Plan for Getting Published
Game Plan for Getting Published by Maryann Karinch Publication date was July 23, 2020. In GAME PLAN FOR GETTING PUBLISHED, literary agent Maryann Karinch tells non-fiction authors how to present a book project to an agent and work with a commercial publisher. Karinch, who founded The Rudy Agency in 2004, describes a query letter […]
Trial, Error, and Success
Trial, Error, and Success by Sima Dimitrijev, PhD Publication date was April 8, 2021. Everything in nature evolves by trial and error. Uncertainty is inherent in trials and knowing how to deal with it proactively creates advantages for you every day. This book gives you ways to combine knowledge with efficient thinking and emotional […]