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The Center Must Hold

Yair Zivan, Editor

Division in society. The spread of misinformation. The rise of extremism.

Centrism holds the answers.
In an age of complex global challenges, extremism and populism offer a simple but fatally flawed narrative to a public craving a sense of normalcy. There is another way. Centrism has proven itself not only the most effective antidote to their dangerous brand of politics but also as a successful way to lead countries.
Far from being an arbitrary middle point between left and right, centrism offers a coherent set of political ideas, principles, and approaches:

  • the importance of moderation and pragmatism,
  • the embrace of complexity,
  • the deep commitment to democracy,
  • the belief in equality of opportunity, and
  • the belief that through balancing the tensions that exist in every nation we can make people’s lives better.

It is about finding the most productive and effective balance between globalization and local communities, civil rights and security, religion and democracy, free markets and protecting the weakest in society.

Drawing together politicians, thought leaders and social commentators – from Tony Blair to Michael Bloomberg, from Jennifer Rubin to Yair Lapid – The Center Must Hold contains a series of essays from those who have led from the center or made significant contributions to centrist thought and policy-making, including former prime ministers, policymakers, and leading journalists from across the world.

The Center Must Hold is being released concurrently in North America, the United Kingdom, and Israel on June 37, 2024.

Yair Zivan is a committed centrist. He has served as foreign policy advisor to Yair Lapid, leader of Israel’s largest centrist political party since 2014 throughout his tenures as finance minister, leader of the opposition, foreign minister and prime minister of Israel. Before working for Mr. Lapid he was international media spokesperson for President Shimon Peres. His work has been published in media outlets across the world.

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