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Body Talk Animated

James O. Pyle and Maryann Karinch  Parents, teachers, school psychologists, and—most importantly—big kids reviewed Body Talk Animated and love it. Why? It’s a FUN way to learn body language: Face                 Upper body                  Navel down And after you get good with the FUN stuff, you explore the world of animated films—and learn body language from cars […]

Countering Antisemitism & Hate

A How-To Guide for Youth (8-18), Family & Educators Authors Lynne Azarchi, author of The Empathy Advantage and Dr. Harlene Lichter Galen, offer this thought at the opening of the book: “Let’s heed the need to prepare our children to stop the cycles of hate, tropes, and stereotypes. “As staunch believers in Tikkun Olam, Jews […]

Hank Rattler and the Secret of the Cave of Kings

Twelve-year-old Hank Rattler lives alone in his empty house in the countryside. Mrs. Plunkett lives next door and cares for him in the absence of his parents. Hank and his classmates, Ruby Basher and Sam Benedetto, win their Grade 8 Science Fair, and the prize is summer camp in the Rocky Mountains. Meeting up at […]