Widows Wear Stilettos

Widows Wear Stilettos
Carole Brody Fleet


Publication date was August 16, 2021.

In an era that has experienced a once-in-a-century pandemic, two United States-involved wars and events such as the tragedy of September 11, the demographic of the chronologically younger widow has grown dramatically, alongside widows in all age groups.

WIDOWS WEAR STILETTOS: A PRACTICAL AND EMOTIONAL GUIDE FOR THE YOUNG WIDOW recognizes and discusses the many issues facing widows today–regardless of a widow’s age, marital status, sexual orientation, length of time widowed or the specific circumstances surrounding spousal death.

Rather than discussing grief exclusively, the book also addresses many other vital issues: practical (financial and legal transitioning); emotional (dealing with personal transitory feelings, helping children through the grief of losing a parent); health, beauty and self-awareness (diet, exercise, makeup and fashion); and even entertaining (dating). WIDOWS WEAR STILETTOS does it all with actionable advice, empathy and when appropriate, a wry humor.

After enjoying 12 years as an international bestseller, the book is being re-released with new content and brand features, including:

*Information dedicated to unmarried survivors and members of the LGBTQ community.

*A comprehensive list of resources and contact information for widowed who are in crisis.

*Targeted advice and direction in coping with a variety of challenging situations.

Most importantly, the book offers gifts of hope and promise for an abundant future.

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