One Minute to Midnight
One Minute to Midnight by Vincent dePaul Lupiano Publication date was December 8, 2020. One Minute to Midnight by Vincent dePaul Lupiano is a contemporary thriller that was the debut novel for our Thousand Acres imprint. It was followed by DEADLIGHT in February 2022. Rayne Foster is on a covert mission to surveil the […]
Debut of Thousand Acres Imprint
Armin Lear To Debut Thousand Acres Imprint with ONE MINUTE TO MIDNIGHT Action Adventure Novel by Vincent dePaul Lupiano Is First Book for Fiction Imprint Boulder, CO —December 1, 2020 — Armin Lear Press is announcing the December 8, 2020 launch of its new imprint, Thousand Acres, with the publication of One Minute to Midnight […]