Yahya Gharagozlou
Born in Iran, Yahya Gharagozlou earned an MFA from the University of New Hampshire. He has published short stories in The Kenyon an Massachusetts Review. The novel 1001: Persiranian Stories of Love
and Revenge was a critical success, earning reviews such as this: It is rare — truly rare — to find the perfect blend of brilliant writing and great story telling. These books are the ones that
settle into our souls, the characters become a part of our extended family, their travails and adventures influence us in unspoken ways, and they make us just a little better as people. Marquez,
Allende, Khaled Hossein, Harper Lee… to this list I add Yahya
He currently resides in Wellesley, Massachusetts.

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Recent book reviews for Karen S. Barbera’s Duke Ellington: The Notes the World Was Not Ready to Hear
"This book is not only an homage to Duke Ellington. It transports the reader on a journey from the early beginnings of jazz through Sir Duke's illustrious career. The author paints a picture showcasing the brilliance and talent of a man and his musicians while pointing out glaring racial injustices. Karen S. Barbera has painstakingly researched this work to give us a rich understanding of Mr. Ellington' s music and thought process. I was entertained and enlightened. It's a wonderful read!"
JimAmazon Reviews
"Karen Barbera’s book is true tour de force! She has patiently and thoroughly researched the trajectory of Duke Ellington and long time follower and acolyte, Randall Horton. Karen’s book thoroughly covers the evolution of Duke’s genius, rise to stardom and contributions to racial justice in challenging times. This is a must read for anyone interested in Jazz and in Dukes immense contributions to this art form."
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