Armin Lear Releases SIMPLICITY

Book on How to Always Get into The Zone Available;

Launch Event August 29—15 Minutes of Sports History

Boulder, CO—August 5, 2020—In SIMPLICITY, Steven Yellin, gives up the secrets he has shared with the champions who endorse him. Based on neurophysiology, the science of how the brain physiology produces fluid motion in all sports, he describes what has to occur to get into “the Zone”—the Holy Grail for athletes in any sport. It is a practical, how-to book with the underpinning of science and the corroboration of #1 performances directly linked to “the Fluid Motion Factor golf program.” Scott McCarron, winner of the 2019 Schwab Cup and the number one senior golfer in the world, has used Steven’s program for the past four years.

On the publication date, the author will conduct a 15-minute launch on Zoom, with the window being a Muhurta, considered ideal for a successful launch of a new project. Participants have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity—literally—to share the celebration and connect with the author for future conversations and coaching opportunities. Contact to request a slot or for additional information.

“Golfers live in a world of continual experimentation,” says Yellin. “Every week, and sometimes every day, they are trying new things to improve their game. What are they searching for? Timing. Timing is the Holy Grail, for producing fluid, consistent motion. And timing is the most difficult thing to teach golfers. Until now.”

In this revolutionary book that is sure to change how coaches teach and players play, Yellin teaches a simple and powerful program that allows athletes to enter the Zone. Focused on golfers, Yellin uses every opportunity—drive to putt—to illustrate how the Fluid Motion Factor program works for everybody.

“There is one process in the mind that, when accessed, produces career rounds and major championship victories,” says Yellin. “The only problem has been that athletes never know when it will show up, how long it will last and when it does leave, how to get it back.” SIMPLICITY teaches golfers how to access that process by design.

Steven Yellin is the founder of the Fluid Motion Factor program, a mental sports training program. He has worked with professional golfers that have won over $80 million dollars in prize money. His program is endorsed by some of the leading golf professionals around the world, including legendary teaching pro David Leadbetter, who wrote the Foreword for SIMPLICITY.

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