
Robert Keith Wallace, PhD

Robert Keith Wallace received his BS in physics and his PhD in physiology from UCLA. His postgraduate research was conducted at Harvard. Keith is a pioneering researcher on the physiological effects of meditation. His work has inspired hundreds of studies on the benefits of meditation and mind-body medicine. His findings have been published in Science, American Journal of Physiology, and Scientific American. He has lectured on meditation at major universities and institutes on five continents.

He is the founding President of Maharishi International University (MIU) and has helped established graduate programs to train physicians, health professionals, and wellness consultants in Maharishi Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. He is currently Professor and Chairman of the Department of Physiology and Health and a Trustee of MIU.

Keith is the author of a number of Dharma Parenting, Gut Crisis, and The Rest And Repair Diet.

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