Brad Buchanan
Brad Buchanan holds degrees in English Literature from McGill University, the University of Toronto, and earned his Ph.D. from Stanford University. He taught at Sacramento State University (where he also served as English Department Chair) until his retirement in 2016. His poetry, fiction, and scholarly articles have appeared in more than 200 journals. His first two book-length collections of poetry (The Miracle Shirker, Poet’s Corner, 2005) and Swimming the Mirror: Poems for My Daughter, (Roan , 2009), received Writer’s Digest awards.
Brad was diagnosed with a rare form of T-cell lymphoma in February 2015 and, after chemotherapy and radiation treatments, underwent a stem cell transplant, which resulted in an acute case of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) and a near-total loss of vision. In late 2016 he was diagnosed with B-cell lymphoma; after participating in a clinical trial, he was declared cancer-free and he is currently still in remission. He has also recovered his eyesight after having corneal transplants and cataract surgery in each eye. Although he still suffers from chronic GvHD, which has prevented him from returning to teaching, and now devotes his time to writing, as well as to facilitating workshops for writers dealing with issues related to illness, disability, and recovery. He lives in California.

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