Bob Kaluza
Bob Kaluza joined BP in 1997 as a Drilling Engineer and worked his way up to the position of Well Site Leader, Deepwater—a position that put him in a senior role at Thunder Horse, the largest offshore installation of its kind in the world. Through a combination of serendipity and being a nice guy, he ended up at the Deepwater Horizon four-and-a-half days prior to the blowout.
Honorable Award

His résumé captures the depth and breadth of experience in his 30-year career in drilling. His early years as a roughneck, driller, and toolpusher laid the foundation for an intimate knowledge of the day-to-day demands on a rig. His academic credentials in engineering and business, coupled with continuing professional education, confirm his qualifications to take a leadership role in a major drilling venture, whether on land or offshore.
His story of being scapegoated by BP after the tragedy–and whose unjust indictment by DOJ was accepted as a “win”–is gripping. The jury returned a not guilty verdict in hours. They saw the set-up, and believed the compelling evidence that showed the real guilty party was a negligent, penny-pinching BP.
His story of being scapegoated by BP after the tragedy–and whose unjust indictment by DOJ was accepted as a “win”–is gripping. The jury returned a not guilty verdict in hours. They saw the set-up, and believed the compelling evidence that showed the real guilty party was a negligent, penny-pinching BP.
Honorable Award

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Recent book reviews for Bob Kaluza’s Deepwater Deception: The Truth about the Tragic Blowout & Perversion of American Justice
" Robert did a great job bringing the issues so everyone can understand what went wrong and directed you to who actually was responsible. Clearly spread among many, but BP for the equipment and lynching, DOJ for the lynching and media circus, and several others for their share. The forward states this should be required reading for all Law Students and Petroleum Engineers, could not agree more, but written so anyone can follow and understand why the Jury found the way they did and so quickly. Presentation without the detailed engineering, just clearly brings you along the entire journey."
BRUCE S.Amazon Reviews
" This book is an important "must read" for anyone concerned with truth and justice, and how it's not always how it should be. The complexities of drilling an offshore oil well are reduced as much as possible to terms understandable by those of us not in the drilling industry. The loud and clear message is that the truth regarding the cause of the blowout was suppressed, and deals were made to protect the wealthy and powerful, and innocent people were "thrown under the bus" to try to make the sordid deal politically successful. I am pleased that all this has come out. Maybe the next time a situation like this occurs, the investigations will be more wide-ranging and thorough, and the blame, if any, is placed where it belongs."
Blue MooseAmazon Reviews
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