
Bob Kaluza

Bob Kaluza joined BP in 1997 as a Drilling Engineer and worked his way up to the position of Well Site Leader, Deepwater—a position that put him in a senior role at Thunder Horse, the largest offshore installation of its kind in the world. Through a combination of serendipity and being a nice guy, he ended up at the Deepwater Horizon four-and-a-half days prior to the blowout.

Honorable Award

His résumé captures the depth and breadth of experience in his 30-year career in drilling. His early years as a roughneck, driller, and toolpusher laid the foundation for an intimate knowledge of the day-to-day demands on a rig. His academic credentials in engineering and business, coupled with continuing professional education, confirm his qualifications to take a leadership role in a major drilling venture, whether on land or offshore.

His story of being scapegoated by BP after the tragedy–and whose unjust indictment by DOJ was accepted as a “win”–is gripping. The jury returned a not guilty verdict in hours. They saw the set-up, and believed the compelling evidence that showed the real guilty party was a negligent, penny-pinching BP.

Honorable Award

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